Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Happy Birthday to my Partner in Crime

Once uponst a time...
I was having a very bad day. I immediately picked up the phone and called my best friend, Christel and after a few short minutes, everything was right with the world... or at least not so overwhelming that I could make it the next few hours without tequila shots or going postal at work...
I looked at my coworker and pointed to the phone and said. "If you don't have one of those, I highly recommend picking one up."

"One what?" she asked.

"A Christel," I replied. "She fixes the Rubiks Cube that is my brain when life comes along and jacks it all up... or at least one side of it."

For all the times you have arranged my Rubiks Cube to get me through another day, I thank you. Thank you for being my partner in crime and joining me on all our adventures- adventures that started with silly things like Endless Quests for alcohol as minors, to boys and weddings and kids, baseball trips and *sigh* growing up!
Happy Birthday, Christel!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008



Of COURSE he's the AL MVP, and you wanna know why?

Because Dustin Pedrioia isn't scared of anyone. He plays like a little boy who wants to win a big, shiny, trophy and not like a money hungry, 'roid raging asshole like a lot of players. He LOVES the game- he is a 5 foot 9 man with an 8 foot swing. And they are afraid of him. Because he's a scrapper and they all know he'll do what he needs to, to win.
I'm so excited for ya, Dustin, and I second the motion of our Large Father,
"Congratulations, Badass..."

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


(That is Spanish for a bunch of random crap all thrown together in one blog post..)

So, YAY! Obama won and I couldn't be happier. I am so proud of my country for finally fucking getting it right this time. I think it is great that he almost took Texas- a place where I have felt for years I was wasting my time voting because you know it's going Republican... I feel good, I feel energized. I am SO happy we are getting Bush O-U-T. I am excited for the future. And more than anything, i am so happy I can look at MY baby brother, who is of a very similar heritage to Obama and say "See- you CAN do anything!"

Change. It will be slow, I know that, but its already started. And we can only go up from here...

While I don't normally like to discuss politics or religion with most people, I do so now hoping that we can all agree that change was needed and support our new president elect.

I made my hotel reservations for my BOSTON trip in May of next year with my friend Christel and although I don't have baseball or airplane tickets, it was AMAZING to see my name with a reservation number next to a BOSTON address! I was giddy with excitement for a whole day.
I have started my research and am assembling a list of MUST DOs while I'm there. yes, some are super touristy and I don't care. I have dreamed of this trip since I was 13 years old. If I want to go see the Freedom Trail that I did research projects on, I'm gonna! So, here is my list- if you are an expert or local, please feel free to comment or add suggestions:
1. Fenway (duh)
I'm hoping to go to at least 3 games- 2 Mets and a Toronto, but not just the games, I also am going on the tour.
2. The Freedom Trail
It's ridiculous how excited I am about this...
3. Harvard
4. Charles River
Want to take some kind of sight-seeing cruise. Yes, Christel, ME- on a little boat!!!!
5. Pub crawl
if I can find an organized one, great, if not, a will make my own! The Cask, Cheers, Sam Adams Brewery, Boston Beer Works, Game On! Any other must sees?
6. Union Oyster House
Mmmmm. Chowder.
7. Walk through parts of the Emerald Necklace
What say you?
Got to go now.. My BFF's BF is having a Pub Golf themed birthday party and I'm off to figure out how to make argyle look mildly slutty... Ta ta!

Monday, October 20, 2008


Now that I have had 10 or so hours to sit in silence and process it, I can officially say, “I’m okay.”

I will be okay. It was a great season and really, I can’t thank the Sox, Sox fans and friends I’ve met this year enough. Beginning on a March morning when I was up at 5am to watch the opener in Japan and ending last night probably when we had bases loaded in the 8th and couldn’t bring anyone home to save our lives…. We have won and lost and had fights, and laughs… I have watched games on TV and in person, I went to the Cincy series, I saw them in Houston and in Arlington. It was all awesome.

We made them all work for it. Manny or no Manny- injured Mike Lowell, JD Drew down for a long time, Beckett not being Beckett- we made them all work for it. The Yankees have been playing golf for 3 weeks. We never gave up- not even down 3-1. We showed the world what it means to wear a Sox uniform. I am so proud.

I feel like I have earned a Red Sox stripe or a battle scar. I have always felt like I needed to pay my dues to be considered a ‘real fan’. And now I do feel like I have a scar to show for it. Cause that, my friends, hurt real fucking badly.

I know, I know… Next year. Of course there’s next year. And we’ll kill them. I know that. So for now, we put the bats up, pull the winter coats out and wait. The boys deserve some time off, I will pay attention to people again. And I will dream of next season and all it will bring me…

I still believe, I still have faith.


Monday, October 13, 2008

A PostSeason Pep Talk...Kinda

Well, Saturday's game blew. I have an ulcer from 5 hours of constant stomach clenching- No, the bottle of vodka I drank while watching it has nothing to do with it, thank you very much.

Maybe I expected too much. I expected Josh to get up there, step on some throats and make some Rays cry 'uncle'. Instead, after every pitch I was screaming at the screen "For fucks sake, someone show him a CALENDAR!!! He doesn't know it's October!!!!" That could be the only explanation...

At least he knew- this from an article in The Globe by Amalie Benjamin...

He followed that with a somewhat profane assessment of his last outing: "I pitched like [expletive]. I gave up eight [expletive] runs."

That's right, Josh. You did pitch like shit. You did, in fact, give up eight fucking runs.

But I forgive you. I believe in you. I know that this is going to piss you off so badly that when you do get to pitch in Game Six, it will be the final game and those Florida Asshats are going down.

Now go get Tek to stop taking notes and start taking some fucking BP, would ya?!

See you this afternoon boys, make momma proud...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Boys and Clothes...

May I just take a moment, before all the hoorah of Game One in Tampa ensues… Before we go storming into the Trop to crush some mohawked Rays… before I start screaming at my TV, then making out with it, depending on the play… and say how much I love seeing my boys in their civilian clothes? Spotted these photos of the boys leaving for Tampa and had to pause…

I love how they have to dress up in a jacket or tie for their team rides- have always loved that. Loved it in high school when the boys had to wear ties on game days… There’s something about it that says, “I can be sliding into second with baseball dirt from my nipples to my knees on minute, but be hot as hell, all dressed up and ready to go 5 minutes later. Who do you want me to be, Angela? Hot Jon or Baseball Jon? Maybe hot Jon will take you dinner and put on the uni for later…”

Errr… sorry. Maybe that was TMI.

But really. Just LOOK at them! It also makes me giggle just a bit to see Mr.Beckett and his belt buckle. THAT, right there my friends, is a Texas boy!

Cheers to Paps and Mikey… Although this is a pic from last year, it never ceases to make me smile. This photo says “Here’s to the dreams we are about to crush when this bitchin’ plane lands and I get my work clothes back on!”

Here, here.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Roadtrip to Compton

The day started innocently enough. As I was driving to work I heard a commercial for the monster truck races this weekend. A few minutes later, the children’s father called and said it would be fun for the boys and could I go buy the tickets. Easy enough. I got to work and googled the nearest location to buy the them. It was 2 miles from work in an area I’m unfamiliar with because I go the opposite direction every day.

At lunch time I followed the directions which led me to freaking East LA- Compton, if you will. Graffiti, bars on all the doors and window, stores with chains and signs in a language I didn’t understand, people all over the street corners and I’m pretty sure I saw someone sitting on a cement block smoking a crack pipe- I could give better confirmation if I knew for sure I had seen an actual crack pipe before…. Anyway.

I ended up at an old, broke ass auto parts store and walk in- in my cute sweater vest and skirt, heels and giant purse-bag in the crook of my elbow. I was greeted by a nice man with gold teeth who had tattoos across his knuckles.

“Hey Lady, you lost?”

Um. Nooo. I don’t think so anyway… Then it happened. As soon as the words came out of my mouth I felt like everything went into to slow motion and I had an out of body experience.

“I’d like to buy tickets to the monster truck races.”

I’d almost whispered the request like I was looking to score some rock or something… Seriously? Did those words actually come out of my mouth? And did they really come out of my mouth here- in Austin-Compton? Who am I? Where am I? I like to tell people that because I was born in Detroit, I am totally a city girl. I’m waaaay more street than you think I am. All of a sudden… not so much.

The man said something in Spanish to a few guys behind him and they all laughed at (I’m assuming) me, then he proceeded to tell me they only accepted cash for those, NOT the debit card I was thrusting at him in hopes of hurrying this exchange along. He pointed outside and told me I could go across the store to the gas station.

Awesome. Crack pipe city. So I went across the street to the dirty gas station and stepped across a girl who sat straight legged near the door screaming into her cell phone and chain smoking. This time I was greeted by the man who was behind glass.

“Hey lady, you lost?”

WTF? Do I look lost? I didn’t bother answering, I was making a frantic sweep of the store for the ATM- I wasn’t going to ask him either. As I headed to the back of the store someone asked if I needed anything. I wish now I would have answered with something to make all of us more comfortable… Something like, “Yes, I need a shiv and a forty. And do you know where I could get a good safety pin tattoo? Cause I am totally about to buy tickets to the fucking Monster Truck Races…”

I didn’t. I got my cash and left as quickly as possible. I went back to the auto parts store where I noticed a few men watching me through the windows. I’m sure they were just making sure I got back safely….

My cashier took my cash and handed me the tickets.

“You have fun at the trucks, Lady!” More laughter from his friends.

I hightailed it out of there and got back to work, tickets in hand. Monster truck tickets. Score! While I won’t be attending, I can only imagine the kind of fun to be had. My boys are beside themselves. They are 7 and 4 and the thought of mud and motors and racing and sweet jumps almost makes them pee with glee.

I just hope they appreciate the adventure Mommy got to go on to procure them for them…

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Here's what Momma needs tonight, boys.

I need good, solid innings. We don't walk anyone- we get the K's. Jon, I'm not asking for a no-hitter. While I'm all for one and would never turn it down, I want you to know the expectation for that isn't there. All I'm asking for is 7, maybe 8 innings of awesome. I'm asking you to get us to the 9th with a lead and hand Paps the ball.

Paps, what I need is 9 straight strikes. I don't care how pretty they are. 3 up, 3 down. Give em' the crazy eye- stare them straight into hell, I don't care- whatever gets the job done. No one lays wood on the ball- make them fan the crowd until their hair blows. Just whatever you do- no runs, no walks... no skipping to bases, no strolling. No one touches those bags.

Got it boys? Let's take it one pitch at a time.
Tell my other guys what I need are hits. Yes, we all want to be heroes- and Grand Slams are f'ing AWESOME- but play SMART. Let me sum up:

Pick your pitch.

Hit the hell out of the ball.


And one last thing- I would just like to remind you: You are the motherf*&^ing RED SOX. It is OCTOBER. You know what that means? It means you aren't men. You are gods. You have powers you don't even know about yet! It's go time, boys! Make me proud!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A BEA-YOUUUU-TA-FUL Way To Start the Day

Thanks for saying it all for me, Youk & MLB!!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Review

First of all, I need to start for you where no one did for me. This bitch should come with a big sticker on the front WARNING any true NKOTB fans not to listen to it on their way to work, pick up their kids, go grocery shopping or anyplace where it would be highly inappropriate to be record levels of turned on and breathing funny. Because it will do so. In a BAD way.

Let me be very clear. So you can either not buy it for your daughters or so you can pour yourselves a drink and get into a satin robe before listening to it: This Album Is About Sex. Period. It is foreplay on a CD. And no, it’s NOT just because I have a dirty mind, thank you very much. I’m not gonna say my mental pictures aren’t going to be better than yours because of said dirty mind- because they might just be… But it really is.

After listening to it objectively 5 times through, I can officially state that what this album says to us, the lifelong fans is- “We were all too young back then, but we have all grown up now… And we could totally fuck if we wanted to… And we would be good at it. And you would like it... A lot.”

That said, here are this reviewers humble opinions so that we can all compare.

Click Click Click
This one is all about a man… and his camera. Taking pictures of the woman he worships. It is Jordan’s chocolately voice charming pants off of… Whoever. Love this song- but honestly can’t tell you if it’s because of the song or the video in my head. Doesn’t matter. Any song featuring Donnie saying the words “Take off your clothes for me” is aces in my book.

It’s nice. It is. A good way for the boys to come back. I don’t put it on replay or anything, but it’s nice to hear the guys together again.

3.Big Girl Now
Dance-y and fun, I love this one. And more with the sex…

4. Summertime
I just ADORE this song. It makes me giggly and stupid. It is so fun and classic New Kids.

5. 2 in the Morning
A good one. If I’m honest, one I tend to skip over, if nothing else than to hurry up and get to #6… I’m impatient and demand gratification.

6. Grown Man
And this one delivers in the gratification department. Aye-ye-yie! Every time you hear Donnie say “Ima give you some Grown Man” there is no doubt exactly what he means.
7. Dirty Dancing
This is so fun and if anyone remembers Donnie’s almost Jamaican sounding raps from long ago, there’s a lot of that going on here. I was thrown by the “She’s like baby, I’m like Swayze” line at first because it sounded so damn cheesy, but this song is one that will grow on you.

8. Sexify My Love
I’m a fan of the made up word, but the first time I listened to this song, the word “sexify” just bothered me. Then I got to Joe crooning “I don’t care where we are, on the hood of my car, out in public making love in the streets…” aaaaaand I kinda didn’t care anymore. How the boys knew about my secret fantasy with Jeff Gordon on the hood of his still warm #24 Dupont Chevrolet, I don’t know, but they totally blew THAT one out of the water… Jeff who?

9. Twisted
This is one of my favorites. I LOVE this song. This is the one on replay. I love the beat, I love the words, the harmony. It is fast and fun.

10. Full Service (Featuring New Edition)
Again with the naughty images this one brings up…. Our guys sound awesome.

11. Lights, Camera, Action
This is a great song. And no, it is not about being on a set in Hollywood. Oh, it’s about filming alright, and I don’t care who you are- you’ll be agreeing to whatever the guys ask of you by the end of this one. But Joe, why do we only get one take?

12. Put It On My Tab (Featuring Akon)
Another indifferent one. It’s not bad by any means… I just tend to skip over it because I personally am over Akon.

13.Stare at You
Back in the day, you knew a few certainties when getting your Brand New NKOTB album… Donnie would have some awesome raps in there somewhere, Jordan would have lead vocals in 75% of the songs, you’d have to listen excruciatingly close to try to hear Jon…and Joe would have a heart clenching ballad.

Ladies, I give you the ballad. Yes, there's Jordan too. But this is the Big Girls version of Please Don’t Go Girl… and I HEART it.

14. One Song
This is another favorite that gets blasted on the way to work. If your car doesn’t become Dance Party USA during this one, you have no soul.

15. Don’t Cry
Like it. Made me wonder how the hell I ever went 13 years without hearing Joe and Jordan’s voices together.

16. Officially Over
This is the most fun damn breakup song you will ever hear.

17. Looking Like Danger
I like this one too, but again, I usually listen to the first half then skip over it to start over.

It really is a great CD. And I don’t mean “for a comeback of the New Kids”. It stands on its own compared to brand new artists. If I didn’t know who they were before, I would still love it. Fortunately for me, I have dreamt of this CD and tour for YEARS, so I just relish it that much more.

What’s odd is that I used to be such a Knight brother fanatic. I would lay awake at night trying to decide who I would marry when someday they both fell in love with me and asked me to marry them. I mean really, how could I come between 2 brothers like that? If I chose one, how would Christmas’s work?

Now? Now as a 33 year old woman I can’t even begin to list the appendages I would give up at a later date to be all up in the middle of a Joe & Donnie sammich. What is it about that damn Donnie??! And Joe with the eyes…and the crooning. I know where that came from. My Harry Connick Jr. fantasies have come to life again! Sigh.

I really hope this is just the beginning of something bigger. They didn’t come back with some Recycled Greatest Hits Album. They made a statement. They are back. And they are Grown. Ass. Men.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


So as many of you know I work at a hotel. I am a catering sales manager. Sales- as in I gotta look the part. I wear heels and get my nails done... I wear make up and jewelry and try my best to make my hair cute everyday. It's kinda my job.

Because I work in a hotel, I am surrounded by housekeepers. And I am being truthful, not at all racially biased, when I say they are ALL Hispanic. They are. And a few of them that speak a little English are incredibly sweet and laugh at my feeble attempts at Spanish. I feel a lot of guilt for the most part, standing up and grabbing my own trash out of the can when they come into my office to clean, or holding doors open for them as much as possible. I walk on tiptoes away from the clean parts when they're mopping floors, I've even tried to sit with them in the break room at lunch where they told me in no spoken words at all they They. Don't. Like. That.

So I try to be nice, "Hey, I'm just one of the girls" and that doesn't work... One lady and I spied each other as I was coming into work this morning. I was getting out of my car, juggling a giant purse, my keys, a Lean cuisine, a bottled water and my cell phone. She was coming out of the hotel with 4 giant bags of garbage- one of them leaking some form of smelly, fermented liquid- and taking them to the trash.

"Hola, Maria!" I said smiling, and asked how she was doing.

How the fuck did I think she was doing? She's taking out the trash at 7:30am!

I made a move for the trash to help her and she smiled and giggled and said no. Which I knew she would- they always do, and I was secretly grateful.... Is that wrong? I mean... the bag was leaking.

Is that why these women won't sit near me at lunchtime? They think that I think I'm better? I swear I don't! I'm just glad I don't have to take out the trash or clean toilets! But I am extremely grateful to them for doing so! I really am.

So why are they talking about me in Spanish and then laughing, but won't and/or can't tell me why? Am I being to sensitive about it? And what do I do? If I am extra nice they feel like I'm pitying them. Gah! How do politicians DO this?!?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Manny Being... A Dodger

Now that the newness of it has worn off a bit, I feel like I can talk about it now...

But really, how freaking weird is it to see him in BLUE?!

Anyway, I knew he was pushing to get traded before the deadline and being as much of an ass as possible, but I really thought the Sox would tell him to sack up and play some freaking ball until the end of October, THEN send him off on his merry way... Maybe I'm just naive, but I really didn't see it coming. Which is why it was so mind blowing to me to see him standing there, all shits-and-grins talking about how he 'lubs Cal-ee-for-nee-ah beddy, beddy much". And like a punch in the gut to see Joe Torre right there with him...

Now I see the games and it's much like seeing an old boyfriend out and about with his new girlfriend. And they look happy together... and they're rubbing it in my face. I feel like he broke up with me and I gotta deal with it.

Granted Jason is proving himself nicely... but he's not Manny. And I know, no one was Pedro or Nomar or Trot, blahblahblah...

I'm getting over it.... and a big 'ol trophy will help me immensely ;-)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Stay Classy, San Diego

I will have photos soon, but we spent a week in beautiful San Diego with the kids last week. I don't think there's a section we didn't see- Old Town, Downtown, Seaport Village, the Maritime Museum, Petco Park, Gaslamp District, San Diego Zoo, Legoland, Coronado Island and on and on... We went to Solana Beach, Imperial Beach, Del Mar and Mission Beach. We played games at Belmont Park, we had ice cream at the cutest ice cream diner ever and, oh yeah, I damn near broke my ankle.

The first day at the beach I spent the first 2 hours counting to 4- all four kids present and accounted for...over and over and over... then as I finished rubbing Conner down with sunscreen I counted again... 1,2,3... 1,2,3... 1.....2...........3. Where was Matthew? He was no where to be seen and I freaked. I ran to the water, I screamed his name and then everything went into slow motion and I couldn't see straight. It was like seeing underwater.... All I could do was run...right into a hole where I rolled my ankle completely in and landed on it. It hurt, but I couldn't think about anything but Matthew. So I ran...and somehow found the lifegaurd station.

They assured me nothing happened in the water- which I immediately called bullshit on. "The water goes FOREVER- how do YOU know nothing happened in the water???!" So they put out an all points bulletin- little boy, olive green trunks with orange stripes, blonde and tan, missing front tooth. All I could think of was the damn water... he's in the water...

And at bedtime last week when I kissed his face and he asked me "Will I always be in your heart, Mommy?" "Yes, baby, of course... You're my number one guy"

And he was missing...

4, 5, 6 minutes go by. One lifegaurd walked me down the beach and I had to stop to puke. I vaugely realized that I was having a hard time walking fast in the sand.

5 or 6 more minutes passed and she got a call on her radio that they'd found him. NOT in the water, thank blessed gawd, but TWELVE blocks down the beach. He'd gotten disoriented when he came out of the water and of course, couldn't see without his glasses! I hadn't even considered that! I had to wait 3 more long minutes for them to drive my son back

I expected his face to be melting off with tears, but he was fine. "Hi, Mommy... Where were you?"

I carried him back to our spot because I couldn't let go of him and almost fell the whole way. We promptly packed up and headed away from the beach and as soon as the adrenaline stopped pumping, I fell apart. MY face melted off, the ankle blew up to the size of my knee and started turning black.

It was the scariest 15 minutes of my entire life. I don't think I would have been more terrified if someone had been holding a gun to my head. I am still shaken when I think about it.....
But I iced that bitch and wrapped it up like I was going in to fight Rocky. I made it 12 hours at Legoland the next day and 6 hours around the zoo the day after that. No wussy ankle was keeping me down!

We still had a great week with me hobbling all over San Diego and everyone we met was fabulous. The next time we went to the beach, we parked ourselves directly underneath a HUGE red flag and told Matthew "See the GIANT flag? We're UNDER it" and then got him busy digging a trench from our towels to the water... So what the tide came in and ruined it? Start over...and over...aaaaand over. There ya go, son....

It's looking way better now, but in commemoration, here ya go...Pretty, no?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Posts! They are A'Comin'!

I know its been awhile, but after the whole Manny incident, I couldn't think straight. And then I was in San Diego for a week, then the wheels fell off at work...blahblahblah, excuses, excuses! I know! BUT! I do have plenty to share the least of which is my opinion on Manny playing under...gulp... Joe Torre. I know, I know- everyone has a take. Did he need to go? Maybe. Did I see it coming? Yes. Did I see it coming before the end of this season? Hell to the No, I didn't.

Had fun in Cali, if not for a few not so fun adventures which I will share soon...

Stay tuned!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Juicebox Sucks

There. I said it. This post is about a month late, but really, when I save you from going to a sucky ballpark, you'll thank me.
Because I am a Sox girl, I really have no need for the Astros. Or their ballpark. Or Houston, really, but I digress... So when I found out the Sox were coming to town this year, I was excited to see my boys in another park- in my state- for more games this year! Yay me! Happily I headed off to Houston and Minute Maid Park.
The whole 'dome' thing threw me at first, but I figured I would get used to it. So I watched some BP and marveled at how, well, little the park seemed when it was covered. So I take out my ingeniously configured Sox book with already rigged ribbon on a spool and attached Sharpie. I'm out in left field, toss my line over and wait for my first bite. Just as Paps and Javy Lopez are pointing and walking over to sign, some official heads over and grabs and and tells me "Reel it in or lose it, lady." REALLY? Really, Mr. Astros Security Guy? Do you not see Jon and Javy walking this way to sign my book? GAH! So I reeled it up, and Javy and Paps laughed at me.... Dammit.

After BP and the incident with that jerk, I needed an adult beverage. So I walk and walk and walk until I find those foot tall sangrias. Just what the doctor ordered! As I am happily sipping on my drink and I find the entrance to our seats, another 'Stros security man tells me I cannot enter my seating area with alcohol. I have to finish it or throw it away.... even though, yes, they sell alcohol on that floor too.

Because we were 3 minutes from the first pitch, I tried like hell to suck that bitch down, but all I ended up doing was giving myself the worst brain freeze ever experienced by man. I still had to throw half the damn $12 drink away.

By the time I sit down, I'm already not happy, but I am about to see BASEBALL, so I don't care. I'll be fine. Let's do this. I sit down and immediately have to put my sunglasses back on even though I am inside- the glare from the sun through the glass is so bright I can barely see the field! AND had I not been blinded by that, I would have noticed I was surrounded by Astros fans. Mean ones. But I didn't notice that part...yet.

Game on. There are my boys! We are doing great. I'm the only one cheering for my guys in a 10 section radius so I am immediately branded the asshole. I'm getting booed when I stand up and clap. Then the bitch in front of me arrives. And starts talking to a guy a seat over.

And doesn't shut the fuck up for EIGHT INNINGS. Neither one of them saw one pitch, one swing, one catch. Can someone tell me why the hell you would GO to a game if you aren't even going to watch it?

Around inning 5, someone hit a double and I came out of my chair cheering. Talking Bitch leans over to the guy and loudly declares me a "Band waggoner". So I call her out on it. "Do you know the starting line up for the team you aren't watching? Their stats? No? Then shut up before you call people names."

Of course that only made it worse. She just talked louder for 2 more innings before going home.

I asked the person who came with me to go grab a couple hotdogs for us at one point during the game as well. He obliged, knowing that once I'm seated at a game, I don't move. He came back with these hotdogs covered in grilled onions and bell peppers. Wha?! Where I come from, baseball hot dogs means mustard. Maybe ketchup. Wtf is this? He tells me it's all he could find and when he asked the cashier if he he could have it without the vegetables, the guy replied, "This our signature dog. This is how they come."

No hotdog, wasted drink, no autographs, talking assholes all around me.. And I'm in a dome. With no wind, no sky, no place for the poor ball to fly to... I felt like I was watching a play about baseball instead of real baseball starring my favorite boys ever.

We won that Friday game which saved the day for me, but it was the worst game experience I have ever had. The Astros can keep their dome and craptacular hot dogs and their rules. I am SO glad the guys don't go there often- Arligton is so much more beautiful and friendly and open.

Maybe I'm old school. I like my hotdogs with mustard, my liquor in my belly-not in the trash, my players accessible and my baseball outside.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Happiness in Cincy Part 2

Happiness is WHITE CASTLE for lunch! YUM! Watching Manny be Manny up close and personal,
and seeing your VBF's favorite Ballpark with her...
It is watching Josh Beckett take the mound... Mmmmmm... Josh.
and get himself a big, fat W!
Special thanks again to my friend Christel who makes our adventures so much fun! Next stop? BOSTON!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Happiness in Cincy Part 1

Seeing Johnny Bench with the Mayor...
and my Dustin
Happiness is seeing boys in the dugout,
Tek and Coco after a 2 run HR, Paps during BP, and being in a dugout with your VBF...
...and ON the field. No REALLY! I'm ON. The. FIELD.
Happiness is being 6 feet away from Mikey...
and above Tek... *sigh*
Happiness is also spying Mr. Beckett in the dugout making faces at fans...

Friday, July 11, 2008

I've got some 'splainin' to do...

I realize it sounds odd. Girl who lives in Texas...was born in Detroit... has never been anywhere NEAR New England... is a die hard Sox fan and is in love with Boston?
In baseball of course there is always a story. Sometimes its where you grew up or who your parents rooted for, another friend started following the Yankees because it was the closest stadium to him and he got his ass beat if he didn't like them. My VBF inherited her love of the Reds after a divorce from a fan. Ditched the husband- kept the team. That? Is awesome.
My story begins with a, boys. In 1987, I was 12 years old and became infatuated with New Kids on the Block. They were from Boston and as was my vice at the time, I wrote about them. In fact, I wrote a book. Like any good author that I wanted to grow up to be, I did my research. I spent days in the library looking up information on Boston and looking at pictures. I wrote their Convention and Visitor's Bureau asking for information. They sent me books and maps and coupons... and a Wade Boggs baseball card. Red Sox, huh? Okay. More research. Wade Boggs and his moustache were amazing.Was he cute? not so much to a 12 year old girl who already had her wedding to any of the New Kids all planned out. But he was AWESOME. I counted myself as a Sox fan.
But more than that, I feel in love with the city... The Emerald necklace, the Freedom Trail, the history, Beacon Hill, learning all about the different neighborhoods, the ocean, Newbury Street, Harvard Square. All of it. I wanted to read everything I could get my hands on about it and see as many pictures as possible.
There was some mystique to it...Something so romantic and beautiful and historical andandand.... Not only that, but I LOVED the way the boys sounded. Boys from Boston and their incessantly dropping R's put me through puberty. I still cannot hear it without getting giggly and my knees getting weak.
Of course, years go by, and I went through years not taking ANY notice of the baseball world, put my posters away and wanted to go to BU. I was a budding journalist and decided that was it. I got all the info on the school- pamphlets and brochures, pictures and forms and more forms to fill out. I was ecstatic...but quietly. I was panicked- how the hell would I ever pay for this? I had okay grades, but could I get in? I was in the mess of trying to figure that all out when I got pregnant with my oldest daughter.
And that answered that for me.... Married, kids, work, life...until, of course, another stupid boy reminded me of the Sox and I fell again- HARD.
So I threw myself into baseball. Stats, scores, history and autobiographies... I wasn't born into it, but all four of my children damn sure were.
I am still in love with the city. As much as I have wanted to go and see there had to be a reason or money or time...or someone who gave enough of a crap to go with me. And now all those things have fallen into place and I WILL year. No more excuses or waiting, or planning or dreaming myself into photographs. I will be there breathing in Boston. And crying- there will probably be crying.
I am in awe of fans who were "Born Into It". I usually annoy them with questions of "Did you see this or that game? The All Star Game where they wheeled Ted Williams out? What about when this happened or that?" I've only read about these things- I want to know what they felt like. I want to know what it's like to live where they happen. I always feel a little inadequate- "Oh you're from Texas.." and I feel like I am immediately branded with an invisible "Bandwaggoner" label.
And you know what? Fuck it. Call me what you want. I know who sets her alarm to get up at 5am to watch games from Japan. I know who leaves GameDay up because she is so afraid she'll miss something. And I know who will be the Future Ex-Mrs. Papelbon-Varitek-Beckett-Lowell. And we'll have a beautiful Boston... where NKOTB will sing just for us each time...

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Rubbing It In...

.... but just a little, I swear. I don't normally like to do this, because payback is always a bitch, but really- a Sweeping 18-5?!? That's not just a W, that's like an ass-whooping on some of Giambi's leftover 'roids! It's like the boys lined the Twins up, held their hands on the way to take 'em to school, then beat their asses like motherless schoolyard bullies. Did anyone even tell the Twins there was a game yesterday?

Do you have any idea how hard it is to contain that kind of joy at work when corporate is in and you've got Gameday up?! Willing your body to not do your own personal Happy Dance that it instinctively goes to in times such as those? It was painful how difficult that was!

Have a well deserved day off, my boys. Well played.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

One a Day...

So lately everybody I've read is doing this dedicated "X,Y, Z Days of Blogging". And while I hate writing just to say I wrote something, not necessarily anything of substance, I think it might get me over this whole 'whatever I have to say is probably stupid' thing I've been having lately.

So here's what I have to say today, regardless of it's substance:

* I am o-v-e-r planning other people's shit. When the f is someone ever gonna plan something for me? I mean really? Seems like anyone gets knocked up or engaged in this state and a phone call is made to this girl. I do it all day for other people then get hit up for friends and family and strangers too! I seem to remember having the world's Most Craptacular Bachelorette Party Ever and oh yeah, 2 baby showers that none of my actual friends held for me. I don't owe anybody shit. OVER it.

* I hate anyone who drives a racecar whose last name is Busch. A lot. A really lot. Apparently so much that I am avoiding watching NASCAR now because of it. Is this how Gordon haters felt in the late 90s?

* I have always lived by the rule that brown fat looks better than white fat, which is why I like to get a little brown in the summer. But if my butt is the fattest part of me, how the hell am I gonna get THAT part brown without exposing it in the light of day? I look like I am wearing a cream colored bikini when I'm naked!

* I am on day 2 of working 7 days in a row. This blows.

* Can someone PUH-LEEAZE tell me why anytime Josh Beckett picks up a baseball and pitches spectacularly for the Sox the offense takes a nap, but when m-fing Dice-K shows up and threatens to hand the game to the opposing team with a nice big, fluffy bow on it, my boys step up and get HIM a "W"? I mean really... My poor Josh.

* I want Nachos and Mexican Martinis. STAT.

That is all....

Monday, June 23, 2008

Breaking Up is Hard to Do...

Breaking up is never easy... even if it is with men you've had a very imaginative, pretend relationship with. It still hurts. but the above men have crossed me personally in ways that are unforgivable. So, they are being cut from the ranks of my Pretend Boyfriends. It's sad, really, but then, you could look at it as time to start a new roster! So, without further ado...

Most of you know about Adam & I... We actually broke up a few weeks ago when I saw this, this THING on his head.... AGAIN. The first time I can overlook, but really, this is too much.... I'll miss him and our Thanksgiving/Hanukkah/Red Hooded Sweatshirt songs, but we are o-v-e-r.

Dear, sweet Brad... It will never work if that's how you want to raise my kids once you adopt them. It just won't. We would've been an awesome little Brady Bunch, you and I... what with my 4 and your 6. But whatever. I'm over you and your hotness if you think I'll ever let my kids wear a Yankee hat. I'd rather they grow up to be hookers and garbage men...

Et tu, Brady? Really? When I saw this last year, again, thought it was a joke. But repeatedly, over and over? How could you? Ditching your pregnant girlfriend for some skinny model is one thing. THIS presents an entire different set of issues. No wonder the sports gods saw you unfit for 19-0....

Oh Jeff.... Where do I even begin? I thought after 12 years we could make it through anything together. The wins and losses, the devastating Winston in the Chrome Illusion car, the divorce, your random hookers on the yacht, even the Yankee cap I know you just wore to keep from getting your ass beat when you moved to New York. But partying with Paris Hilton?! At an event you invited her to? Now we have a problem. Stupid is as stupid does, Jeff. And I can't be the next Mrs. Gordon knowing you're cool with hanging with stupid. Maybe on the off chance you totally made fun of her when she walked away, we might have something to fight for. If not.... sigh, I'll miss you the most.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Pics will have to wait until probably this weekend, but I have lots. Left for the 3 game series on Thursday and got back on Monday. Had an awesome time- fabulous seats and serious eye contact with Tek. Sat in a seat previously occupied by Mr. Josh Beckett and even asked the manager what he had so I could have it too. Yep. My kind of hero worship knows no bounds and cannot be constrained by your definitions of "not cool"....

Sox took 2 of 3- one in a nail biter of an extra inning (which anyone reading this already knows because they were there with me OR they watched all 3 anyway). Went to BP, on a stadium tour and actually made words to our 3rd base coach DeMarlo Hale, met a 60 year old Sox fan who went to 88 games last year and has had Fenway season tickets for 35 years. Spent 3 hours drinking and listening to stories from said man and asked so many questions that I've always wanted to know from guys who were there back in the day... I really think he loved it. That or looking down my dress and oogling my friend as well. Maybe both, but I digress...

I got video footage of Coco trying to start a fight with the Gapper, Cincinnati's fluffy mascot. Not really, just trying to swipe at him from the dugout, but still... What else? Took pictures of Tek from 6 feet above his head when he was in the bullpen warming guys up because he was out of the lineup.

So many other side notes and stories, I think they will end up being posts of their own... But thank you to all of ChaCha's amazing numbers that I met, thank you to Allen from Boston for all the stories, thank you to Dan the tour guide for letting us on the field, Dan the guy in the bar who had us laughing for hours and gave us no less than 3 one liners that will stick forever ("I wanna touch her where she pees!!!"), thank you to my Dad for driving down from Detroit to see me, thank you to Paul, the manager at Rock Bottom Brewery for letting 2 cute girls skip the 2 hour wait and bringing me Josh Beckett nachos. Thank you to the cute boy from San Fransisco for being cute and flirting with ChaCha, and thank you to my boys for an awesome weekend. See you in Houston!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Somewhere in NASCARland....

Dear Angela,

I can't help but notice the lack of support lately... I don't feel your intense concentration on me every Sunday anymore and my finishes are showing it. I don't know what I've done... okay, maybe you're a little upset about the whole Ingrid thing. I know, I know. I teased you with the divorce, but I just couldn't wait for you anymore. Then the whole baby thing happened, and I knew that would upset you. I swear it was an accident, and yes, I know she would be cuter if she were yours. What can I say?

If I am to ever get this damned 5th championship, I need you back. I know that now. And I'm feeling inadequate knowing I have to compete with the Red Sox for your love and adoration. What do I have to do to win you back? I need you to follow me lap after lap- you were my lucky charm and I was too stupid to notice. I took you for granted and I'm sorry.

Sandler called and told me about the breakup for the Yankee hat thing- he's a mess, btw... and I know you busted me once for the same thing and gave me another chance. I just need one more. Then we'll have another big Championship trophytogether.

Let's do it again for old times sake, okay? I miss you...



Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Over 500....and Counting

The Man is a BEAST! A crazy, adorable, hilarious beast.

Well done, sir. Well done.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Really, George Lucas? Really? (Spoiler Alert)

We met when I was six, Indiana Jones... I saw you at my first drive in movie. It was exciting and scary and awesome. You were everything a good crush after Bo Duke should be. Funny, brilliant, sexy. An archaeologist who goes on adventurous quests and uncovers history. You know, Indian tribes, cups of Christ, lost civilations...

NOT- I repeat, NOT ALIENS!!!!!!!

Seriously? I'm into this new movie and oh-so-excited to see my Harrison Ford up there onscreen again, I am smiling and getting goosebumps when at last we see the hat and hear the song, "Da-da-dum-dum-dum dee Dummm" and then out of no where I get hit with The Skull. Of course I knew the movie was about the crystal skull. I'm thinking ancient skull that we have to find and put inside an old grave so that a tomb of wonderous ancient riches magically opens up for our hero...but noooooooo...

Really? Could it look more plastic and filled with irradescent cellophane? And then I realize, oh shit... It looks like an alien head. They wouldn't, they couldn't... Not my Indy...

But they did. Complete with the damn silver flying saucer. There are things in this world you don't mix. Yankee fans and smart people, maragritas and lima beans, Indiana-fing Jones and ALIENS?! Come on George! WTF Stephen Speilberg?

So I left the theatre let down and pissed off. If I had wanted to see War of the Worlds, guess what I would have watched??? Indy needs to kick their asses for this one. But do try again guys, because Indiana Jones just can't go out like that.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


A beauty of a shot... Too bad we lost anyway. We'll be celebrating the big 500 before the weekend. GO MANNY! I will see you in 2 weeks, baby!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


If you look that word up in the dictionary today, this is the picture you should see.

Jon Lester's no hitter last night was magical. If by magical you also mean a sweating, pacing, nail biting last 3 innings ending in shrieks of joy and tears over seeing men become emotional...than yes... magical.

I stayed up extra late and watched all the post game interviews and dammit if I don't just love Tek more and more everyday. So he's the first catcher in history to ever catch 4 no hitters, but he doesn't care. He just kept saying "This is his night- his night. I'm just lucky to be a part of it."
Congrats, Jon. Job well done. It's good to know that there are still heroes in baseball... and they're on my team.

Friday, May 16, 2008


Well, well, well...
So almost 17 years ago, I saw my NKOTB boys perform for the last time. But even then, I KNEW it wouldn't be the last. They stopped putting CDs out, I started to grow up and have a sex life, but I never forgot them. I pulled out the old tapes (yes, I said tapes- shut up) whenever I needed a quick pick me up. If I heard any of them mentioned on anything, I tried to pay attention.... So I got married and had babies- so did they. But I still could never make myself throw away the magazines, the concert programs, the trading cards....or the book I wrote for them. I am 33 years old and have had boxes of old NKOTB merchandise stowed away for safe keeping since I was 16 years old.

And I never gave up. I always knew this day would come. Somewhere in my heart I knew that they wouldn't- nay, couldn't disappoint me!
And they didn't.

Today my boys performed together for the first time publicly on the Today Show.
To a PACKED Times Square.
They said it was the largest crowd they'd ever gotten for this concert series.
So I stood in my high heels in the lobby of the hotel I work at with my Catering Manager title and watched it all unfold- and cried like a 13 year old little girl. I am SO happy and giddy. They were amazing and funny and adorable and...perfect. They have grown into such handsome men and I feel so proud.
Listening to them talk reminded me of how long ago my deep seated love affair with Boston and the accent began. Dear gawd, of course I can't keep myself together for a boy who drops his R's!!!! These are the boys who shaped me during puberty!
I truly think if I could see them perform in Boston...maybe after a Sox game... my head would implode with joy. Because a person just can't take that kind of happy.

All ye be prepared... they will come to Texas. And when they do... it's ON!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Face of the Future

See that boy up there? That is a future MVP, people. He plays first or third base, hits anything on a tee and uses his bat to knock the dirt off his shoes like Tek. He wants to hit like Papi and catch like Youk. His stats aren't so intimidating yet at 4 ft. 1 inch and 60 lbs, but he's getting there. He spent his birthday weekend playing ball and loved it. His team placed 2nd in the league again and he was sad to see the season end.
Happy 7th Birthday, Matthew, and congrats on a great season. I love you SO much...
From your biggest fan,

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Really, Alex Rodriguez? Really?

File this one under the "Seriously?" catagory, ladies and gents. A-Rod and his wife have announced the name of their second daughter who was born April 21st. Are you ready?

Ella Alexander Rodriguez.

It gets better. Because I was unaware of their FIRST daughters name........

Natasha Alexander Rodriguez.

No, for REAL. Two GIRL babies with the same middle name... the same name of their Captain Douchebag father. Wtf, A-Rod? Who do you think you are, George Foreman?

You really have to feel a little bad for those girls- even if they will be raised in a solid gold mansion with diamond encrusted rattles.


I was half-heartedly holding out hope he'd either:

A: Hit 500 at home so Fenway could explode with people who would appreciate the feat or

B: By some miracle, he'd wait until the Cincinnati series so I could be there to cry like a little girl.

I doubt either of those will happen with only 3 to go, but it will still be awesome to see....

Monday, May 5, 2008

I Heart Youk...and his Beard of Doom

There. I said it.

now suck on THAT, Florida.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Know Thyself

You know what I like about me? I know who I am and who I want to be. I recognize I change all the time, but generally I know what direction in life I'm headed and the kind of image I like to reflect. I like to be thought of as classy, elegant, sophisticated. Maybe sexy as fuck on occasion, but "classy" sexy...

Lately I've called all that into question because I felt lacking. Like there was something wrong with me. Like maybe if I wore different clothes or more make-up or had bigger boobs, things would be different... I would have things I thought I wanted.

But after some reflection lately, I came to a realization.... I am just fine.

Just because I am tall does NOT mean I need to wear flats and slouch to make some man feel bigger than me. You know what it does mean? It means I have legs from here to the sky and in heels they are AWESOME. If a man is intimidated by me, that's his issue.

Just because I have smaller boobs doesn't mean I need to be self conscious and feel less worthy than women who have huge tits. It DOES mean that mine are perky and cute and will not be at my knees in 15 years. It means I have had 4 kids and still have nice ass cleavage that, TRUST ME, still gets attention. It means I buy stock in push up bras and that I ROCK the hell out of them.

Nope. I am not 21 anymore. I am 33 and you couldn't PAY my ass to redo those years. You know why? 21 years old are stupid. I was even a little stupid. Not stupid enough to go ghetto and cover myself in ridiculous, trashy tattoos kind of stupid, but I thought I had it all figured out. Being 33 means I can have grown up conversation. I am not limited to what I saw on Entertainment Tonight or the newest club music. I can talk to you knowledgeably about politics, religion, economy, current events and a plethora of other topics. AND I also know every word to Beastie Boys Paul Revere and Brass Monkey. I know every line in Princess Bride and Billy Madison. You don't get that kind of variety in an idiot 21 year old with pink tipped nails and drawn on eyebrows. You just don't.

I am sure you get alot of other valuable information from that kind of girl. You can learn how to jack a car, get money from a "Baby Daddy", how many shots you can take from 7-11pm before puking, how to shank someone and make a shiv. You can witness awesome drama and temper tantrums! All valuable, interesting subject matter.

If that's what you're into.

And if that's what you're into, of course you don't want me. Of course! And the best part of all this realization is that I realized that if that is what you're into.... I don't want you either.

Friday, April 18, 2008

I Heart Josh Beckett

There are no less than 117 things I love about Josh Beckett. They start with "He's awesome" and end with "No for real, REALLY, really, badass-awesome." In between, numbers 17-30 are body parts and 32-78 are moments of games where he has proven over and over again why he deserves my adoration. At least 30 more are quotes he's given that really just make me laugh or smile, or grin because I know if he weren't on my team, it would strike fear in my heart and make me pee my pants everytime I had to face him.
You'd think once you get to 100, these things would start repeating themselves, but with Josh, they don't. The list just continues to grow. One of my all-time favorie Beckett quotes is “I make too much money to play a game I love to ever feel sorry for myself.” Stuff like that makes me so proud to be a fan. These little gems from last night are hystierical:

On Manny's TWO homeruns off of Mike Mussina at Skankee Stadium:

"I didn't even see it," said Beckett. "I was like, 'Where did it go?' Everyone was like, 'It went about 15 rows up.' It was such a line drive. He's pretty ridiculous. He almost hit a third one, too."

On lasting 8 innings against New York:

"I think the most important thing is executing pitches," Beckett said. "If you're not executing pitches, you're not going to get to eight innings."
No shit, Sherlock. Sometimes I think he talks to the media like they're 5 years old because he's tired of their retard questions...

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Bitch Slapped by the Flu

Dude. I got my ass kicked for a week straight. By this thing called "The Flu". In my 33 years, I had never encountered The Flu, much less learned first hand the evil she can inflict.

I know now.

I was fine when I woke up last Tuesday. Lalala...Uh oh. Headache? Achy? Tired? Eyes burning? These were just the beginning... It was bad, people. Bad and not very pretty either. Sometimes the universe gives you a hint that you need to slow the hell down and sometimes the universe finds a way to body slam your ass into submission.

So I had several days to plan what could only be my death... And when I was being a little less dramatic, I had time to think about life and things and how they'd all be different if only I could make it through this horrible, awful sickness... (I was ready for my damn Make A Wish, but lo and behold the Sox never did turn up at my doorstop)

Then I found out it wasn't just the flu, that has turned into bronchitis which was trying to turn into pneumonia. NICE. As my friend ChaCha said, "Thats my girl! If you're gonna do that shit, you're gonna do it right!" So now that I have been on the right medication and see the light at the end of the tunnel and know I probably won't die this time, I am starting to feel much better.

Guess the moral of the story is get a flu shot. And that I need to send another copy of my Make A Wish letter in- because clearly those bitches don't work quickly...

Sunday, April 6, 2008


After photographic evidence by the photographers who were covering the Cap 10k came to my attention, I corrected my story about my finish. I just wanted to let you all know that I ACTUALLY finished in 1 hour, 17 minutes and 5 seconds. Once I go ahead and spend the $17 for a copy of that picture, trust me, you'll ALL see it ;-)


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Steak and Wine at Joe's

As I eluded to a few weeks ago, I have a new favorite restaurant and I feel the need to share. You may or may not know, I am a huge fan of the steak and red wine combo.. HUGE fan. And had been dying for it for awhile when my birthday rolled around. We went to a new place in Austin called Joe DiMaggio's Italian Chophouse. Of course normally, I would never enter the establishment of such a beloved Yankee, however I felt that since he had a brother who was a beloved Red Sox player, it justified going....

It was awesome. We stepped into the restaurant and were immediately seated in a huge high back, curved leather booth. There were black and white pictures of Joe, Marilyn and Dom all over the walls. A pianist was playing and an amazing singer was crooning "Inseparable". Sigh... I melted into my leather booth and ordered the house Cab. We started with a jumbo shrimp cocktail that arrived to the table in a cloud of dry ice. I ordered a fillet medium rare with potatoes and veggies. All were perfection. It wasn't just the wine that was intoxicating. Steak, wine, leather, crooning, baseball photos, dim lighting, perfect service... I was SO cozy and didn't want to leave.

It really isn't crazy expensive if you don't have the big steaks. There is delicious looking pasta and seafood as well. And they have a BEAUTIFUL patio with a fire pit to relax out on underneath a huge oak tree in the Domain. I got to walk pass Tiffany's too!!!! I would love to go again... who's in?!

Monday, March 31, 2008

I DID IT!!!!

I started running shortly after Conner was born in hopes of losing the baby weight I gained with him (okay AND his 3 older siblings, but whatever). So I saw all these expensive diet programs and pills and whatever and figured I could spend crazy amounts of money that way and hope it worked, or I could spend $800 on a treadmill and get my ass in gear and have no one to blame but me.

At first I would spend 20 minutes walking and be exhausted. Then I started jogging. I loathed it, but wanted to get my moneys worth out of that damn machine. Slowly I started to enjoy it. It was 30 minutes a day that was for ME. I couldn't take care of anyone while I was running. No one could ask me to get a sippy cup of milk or crackers, change a diaper or do a load of laundry. I could think my own thoughts without being interrupted (for the most part) or even watch TV if I angled it right.

Over the past 4 years I have slowly built up to running 3 miles at a time. I am proud of that because I have never considered myself athletically inclined. I always wanted to be, but circumstances kept me from finding out if I could be when I was younger. But I really think I could've been. Besides being super competitive, I like how good it makes me feel.

So I set a goal for myself last year. i really wanted to run the Capitol 10k here in Austin. I wanted to prove to myself I could do it. Of course life gets in the way and kids schedules, so I didn't get to last March. This past fall when drinking with coworkers, the gauntlet was thrown and I got a little mouthy about how awesome I would do if I really did it. 6.24 miles- a lot of it uphill. So the challenge was accepted and I was signed up for this past Sunday's race.
I have slowly trained myself at home and then on a course in the park with my 13 year old daughter for the past 6 months. Saturday I had to work until 11:30 and didn't get to bed until almost 1am. A lot of people punked out and said they weren't going- I even got the free pass excuse "Don't go- no one will blame you." But I would've blamed myself. So Sunday morning, I got my tired ass out of bed and headed to the race.
If you've never seen photos of the Cap 10k before, please do so. It is an amazing sight to see Austin streets shut down for the parade of over 30,000 runners. It was raining, so my friend B and I felt very hard core.

We ran 10 minute miles for the first 3 miles and then I started backsliding. i told her to go ahead because those hill were kicking my ass. Because oh yeah, I NEVER use the incline on my treadmill for a reason. IT HURTS.

I finished in 1hour, 17 minutes and 5 seconds- an average of 6 12 minute miles. I crossed the finish line with no one taking pictures of me and no one congratulating me. Except the girl inside me who was crying because I was so happy and so proud of myself. And THAT. That is what made it all more than worth it.
I am sore- so sore today. But it's a good kind. Its the kind that keeps reminding me that I did it!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Manny in Japan

You bitches all wish you had someone this good! HA!

Good Morning Sox Fans!


According to some sources, it's not really opening day until you play in this country. Or until her team plays. I, however, count any day as opening day when I get up at 5 am to watch my Red Sox play in Japan for the first game of the season that counts!
And of course, you know we KICKED OAKLAND'S ASS! WOOOO!!!
I wish I could've been in Boston with all the die hards at the Cask-n-Flagon. I wish I could turn the guy above around to see how hot he is and make him drop his R's at me. I wish I had someone to give high five's to. I'll settle for being very grateful that ESPN has these games televised for me.
It's a great way to start the season. Sox at 5am, a win by 9am and thoughts of hot boys with accents the rest of the day...

Monday, March 24, 2008

March 23rd

I have THE best friends ever. Not only are they totally okay to take a night out for me and drink with me, I have some that will take 2. They will play darts with me and laugh with me and even take me to a StripClub. They will eat cake with me, drink wine with me and even buy me prizes. I am surrounded by THE BEST.

I got text messaged with birthday wishes, phone calls and cards. My very own personal father even remembered the ACTUAL day of- which is no small feat. It was awesome. Thank you to everybody that sang a song on the phone, gave me a hug or just made a point to let me know they knew it was my birthday... and Easter. But who cares about stinky Easter anyway? ;-)
*P.s. The above photo was taken at Joe DiMaggio's where they too gave me a treat. And ohhhh... you know this girl has a new favorite restaurant. It was uh-may-zing and totally worth its own blog...coming soon.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Fading to Black

So this is the part where I realize an ending, admit defeat and slowly back away. I'll be there the first few times you look back, just getting smaller and smaller in your rear view. But just when you've kept your eyes on the road in front of you for a while, you'll look up and I'll be gone. And maybe for a minute you'll wonder what could've been...but probably not.

I don't do drama well. And I certainly suck at the game playing of younger girls who've been single and had the luxury of learning those toying nuances. This is just kind of how I do it. But make no mistake, once it's done, it is d-o-n-e. I am too stubborn to make guest appearances. And I damn sure do not crawl back with my tail between my legs.

Enjoyed the movie.... Roll credits.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Weekend Update

Special thanks go out to our friend W.I.O. for acquiring tickets to the Dropkicks show Friday night for ChaCha and I. I freaking love it when a plan comes together- even if it is at the last minute! They are such an awesome group to listen to. You can't NOT have fun when you hear them. And all the Sox attire in the crowd only made the night better. How cool is it that I got to see in person boys who played and danced with Jonathan Papelbon after winning a World Series? For real...

My little man is becoming quite the baseball player, fyi. He played first base for 2 innings at his Tball game Saturday and won the Game Ball! Little League is so much fun- especially when they get to this age where they finally get it! Hell yes, that's MY boy!

Saturday was also the Little Girl's 9th birthday so we had a Slumber Party complete with 9 girls, sleeping bags, nail polish, puffy paint and pizza. I was overwhelmed by the pinkness of it all, but luckily they adore 13 year olds, so Big Girl & Friend got to entertain and be worshiped for awhile.

Jeff still didn't win this weekend (but 5th isn't too shabby), I still have no baseball to watch, so I rented Gone Baby Gone and SuperBad (Hilarious!) and took the tribe out for dinner.

Must continue to keep myself too busy to think....