Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Really, Alex Rodriguez? Really?

File this one under the "Seriously?" catagory, ladies and gents. A-Rod and his wife have announced the name of their second daughter who was born April 21st. Are you ready?

Ella Alexander Rodriguez.

It gets better. Because I was unaware of their FIRST daughters name........

Natasha Alexander Rodriguez.

No, for REAL. Two GIRL babies with the same middle name... the same name of their Captain Douchebag father. Wtf, A-Rod? Who do you think you are, George Foreman?

You really have to feel a little bad for those girls- even if they will be raised in a solid gold mansion with diamond encrusted rattles.

1 comment:

christelpistol said...

FUH REAL!?!?!?!?!

and i thought i got funny looks when i told the B's that you picked Athenry.