Thursday, May 29, 2008

Really, George Lucas? Really? (Spoiler Alert)

We met when I was six, Indiana Jones... I saw you at my first drive in movie. It was exciting and scary and awesome. You were everything a good crush after Bo Duke should be. Funny, brilliant, sexy. An archaeologist who goes on adventurous quests and uncovers history. You know, Indian tribes, cups of Christ, lost civilations...

NOT- I repeat, NOT ALIENS!!!!!!!

Seriously? I'm into this new movie and oh-so-excited to see my Harrison Ford up there onscreen again, I am smiling and getting goosebumps when at last we see the hat and hear the song, "Da-da-dum-dum-dum dee Dummm" and then out of no where I get hit with The Skull. Of course I knew the movie was about the crystal skull. I'm thinking ancient skull that we have to find and put inside an old grave so that a tomb of wonderous ancient riches magically opens up for our hero...but noooooooo...

Really? Could it look more plastic and filled with irradescent cellophane? And then I realize, oh shit... It looks like an alien head. They wouldn't, they couldn't... Not my Indy...

But they did. Complete with the damn silver flying saucer. There are things in this world you don't mix. Yankee fans and smart people, maragritas and lima beans, Indiana-fing Jones and ALIENS?! Come on George! WTF Stephen Speilberg?

So I left the theatre let down and pissed off. If I had wanted to see War of the Worlds, guess what I would have watched??? Indy needs to kick their asses for this one. But do try again guys, because Indiana Jones just can't go out like that.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


A beauty of a shot... Too bad we lost anyway. We'll be celebrating the big 500 before the weekend. GO MANNY! I will see you in 2 weeks, baby!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


If you look that word up in the dictionary today, this is the picture you should see.

Jon Lester's no hitter last night was magical. If by magical you also mean a sweating, pacing, nail biting last 3 innings ending in shrieks of joy and tears over seeing men become emotional...than yes... magical.

I stayed up extra late and watched all the post game interviews and dammit if I don't just love Tek more and more everyday. So he's the first catcher in history to ever catch 4 no hitters, but he doesn't care. He just kept saying "This is his night- his night. I'm just lucky to be a part of it."
Congrats, Jon. Job well done. It's good to know that there are still heroes in baseball... and they're on my team.

Friday, May 16, 2008


Well, well, well...
So almost 17 years ago, I saw my NKOTB boys perform for the last time. But even then, I KNEW it wouldn't be the last. They stopped putting CDs out, I started to grow up and have a sex life, but I never forgot them. I pulled out the old tapes (yes, I said tapes- shut up) whenever I needed a quick pick me up. If I heard any of them mentioned on anything, I tried to pay attention.... So I got married and had babies- so did they. But I still could never make myself throw away the magazines, the concert programs, the trading cards....or the book I wrote for them. I am 33 years old and have had boxes of old NKOTB merchandise stowed away for safe keeping since I was 16 years old.

And I never gave up. I always knew this day would come. Somewhere in my heart I knew that they wouldn't- nay, couldn't disappoint me!
And they didn't.

Today my boys performed together for the first time publicly on the Today Show.
To a PACKED Times Square.
They said it was the largest crowd they'd ever gotten for this concert series.
So I stood in my high heels in the lobby of the hotel I work at with my Catering Manager title and watched it all unfold- and cried like a 13 year old little girl. I am SO happy and giddy. They were amazing and funny and adorable and...perfect. They have grown into such handsome men and I feel so proud.
Listening to them talk reminded me of how long ago my deep seated love affair with Boston and the accent began. Dear gawd, of course I can't keep myself together for a boy who drops his R's!!!! These are the boys who shaped me during puberty!
I truly think if I could see them perform in Boston...maybe after a Sox game... my head would implode with joy. Because a person just can't take that kind of happy.

All ye be prepared... they will come to Texas. And when they do... it's ON!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Face of the Future

See that boy up there? That is a future MVP, people. He plays first or third base, hits anything on a tee and uses his bat to knock the dirt off his shoes like Tek. He wants to hit like Papi and catch like Youk. His stats aren't so intimidating yet at 4 ft. 1 inch and 60 lbs, but he's getting there. He spent his birthday weekend playing ball and loved it. His team placed 2nd in the league again and he was sad to see the season end.
Happy 7th Birthday, Matthew, and congrats on a great season. I love you SO much...
From your biggest fan,

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Really, Alex Rodriguez? Really?

File this one under the "Seriously?" catagory, ladies and gents. A-Rod and his wife have announced the name of their second daughter who was born April 21st. Are you ready?

Ella Alexander Rodriguez.

It gets better. Because I was unaware of their FIRST daughters name........

Natasha Alexander Rodriguez.

No, for REAL. Two GIRL babies with the same middle name... the same name of their Captain Douchebag father. Wtf, A-Rod? Who do you think you are, George Foreman?

You really have to feel a little bad for those girls- even if they will be raised in a solid gold mansion with diamond encrusted rattles.


I was half-heartedly holding out hope he'd either:

A: Hit 500 at home so Fenway could explode with people who would appreciate the feat or

B: By some miracle, he'd wait until the Cincinnati series so I could be there to cry like a little girl.

I doubt either of those will happen with only 3 to go, but it will still be awesome to see....

Monday, May 5, 2008

I Heart Youk...and his Beard of Doom

There. I said it.

now suck on THAT, Florida.