I myself embrace the diverse nationalities I am surrounded by on a daily basis. I work in the damn rainbow coalition. Black, white, Hispanic, Asian. People from Mexico, Puerto Rico, Germany, Minnesota... I love learning about my friends' cultures and foods, languages and customs. But can someone 'splain to me why in the hell my Latin friends seem to have a necessity for HICKEYS????
First of all, I am embarrassed by visible bruises I get on accident, so I don't understand why in the name of GAWD you would proudly show off some nasty purple blotches all over your neck and chest that people know you got on purpose.
Are these things supposed to say, "That's right, bitches, I had someone sucking on parts that DON'T DO ANYTHING last night"? Maybe, "I have someone that likes to attach themselves to me like a hoover and break blood vessels"?
Really now. I thought we all did that once or twice in high school before sticking the spoon in the freezer, applying it to the affected area and praying it helped lessen the affect before our moms noticed it... Some guys did it when they were 16 as a badge of "I was making out with someone last night". Whatever. I'm just saying it's a little more excusable when you're a 16 year old idiot than when you're 30-something and just look ridiculous. Am I wrong in saying that if some one's going to suck and lick the hell out of you that hard, it damn well better be on a body part better suited for such activities???
And they don't attempt to hide it. No, on the contrary- it's time to unbutton that shirt just one more button to show off the islands of Hawaii hickeys near your left nipple. WTF?? I just don't get it. Anyone more enlightened than I?
I found this new blog: http://www.survivinggrady.com/ I am cuh-razy for this guy. Not only does he do me the courtesy of posting almost every day, but he thinks just like me! Bravo!!! And anyone who can doctor up a Mike Lowell photo with a hot quote next to it is tops in my book....
Got a request at work from a group called NWA. Now before we "Raised in the 90s" kids get all excited about a reunion tour, let me be the first to give you the sad news~ It stands for National Watermelon Association.
I know. I didn't know either. *Sigh*
And yes, Yankee assholes, my Ralph Lauren high heels were quite tasty. Now suck it. Tampa Bay took your asses downtown to Chinatown while we kicked Baltimore butt. Kiss your WildCard goodbye, bitches....
did you say watermelon?
i have watermelon issues.
momma like.
and "issues" is SOOOOO putting it mildly.
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