Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year

But there will not be much in the way of resolutions for this girl. This new year is so questionable that it scares me. But I'm excited too. Who knew on January 2nd of last year what 2007 would bring me? An amazing Spring Training visit to Ft. Myers that I will never forget, a crazy fun, pool-playing, drinking-Jager-till-I-passed-out-but-not-before-having-sex-in-the-front-seat-of-my-car birthday party, a visit from my sisters that went horribly wrong, my babies getting bigger and more beautiful, adventures with my friends, my career actually going somewhere, A WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONSHIP for my Sox??? Who knew?!

So I am excited to see what kind of trouble this year can bring me. A vacation to CINCY to see my boys, perhaps a move, perhaps not. Maybe a divorce? Maybe hope of staying together in something not resembling misery??? The possibilities are endless. Bring 2008 on!


christelpistol said...

watching your friend blackout after 3 drinks?

not a bad start!

Allie said...

what about going to the summit in june....prepare ye your liver.

christelpistol said...

in HER world... baseball bros BEFORE hos.

christelpistol said...

you've been TAGGED