Here’s how it works: Link to the person that tagged you:
Christel, and she'd have to link herself because I'm a technical r-tard.Post the rules for the meme on your blog. And here they are:Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog, tag 7 (or so) random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Since I have done this one once or twice, I tried to think of a few things you all don't already know... And it proved a good excuse to blog as I suffer from a blockage of material viewable by the public lately...1.) I memorize what all 4 of my kids are wearing in the morning before they leave for school or daycare so that if anything ever happens and the police need to know, I will be able to describe in detail what I last saw them in. Morbid, perhaps... But I saw the movie Adam at a young age and it scared the shit out of me.
2.) I have an unhealthy attachment to Rod Stewart. My father listened to him a lot when I was a small kid and looks a little like him as well, so I decided they must be brothers. At 5, he became my Uncle Rod. When I went several years with no contact with my dad, he became my connection to my dad. I still cry when I hear Forever Young. Can't help it. Yes, I am gay. Suck it.
3.) I cannot eat Ramen Noodles. If I were starving to death and on my deathbed, I would still not eat Ramen Noodles. To me, it is like eating turds. Had them every damn day for almost a year when my family was buh-roke ass. Lived in a trailer with no electricity cooking Ramen-effing-Noodles over a can of sterno. Now the smell of them makes me want to vomit.
4.) I like my wrists and ankles. (Okay, other than the weak, bust my ass every five minutes part of my ankles) They are the only cute, tiny body parts I have (that you can see publicly-HA!)
5.) I am addicted to very few things in life, but there are a few that given one hit of, I am possessed till there's no more. These include anything that starts with D and ends in "oritoes", Sam's Choice Cajun Snack Mix (that whole 26 serving per bag thing is a bunch of crap- thats only if you are serving anorexic elves!) and chips and salsa. (Duly noted that yes, I may have a sodium issue)
6.) I watch reeeally bad TV shows while I'm on the treadmill. I figure if I'm going to watch trash, I better pay penance by running my ass off during it. Make Me a SuperModel, Intervention, Housewives of Orange County, The Girls Next Door- I am watching all this drivel and loving every painful mile of it lately!
7.) Old people scare me and I avoid them. Not like regular old people, but like OLD, OLD people. The kind you can't understand and cry and don't know who anyone is? That kind. I know. Straight to hell.
And because the name of the game is "Tagged", if you read this, consider yourself IT, Bitches!