Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Bring On The Man Band!

So if this: http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20174022,00.html is true, my greatest wish is coming true after all these years. Let me make this very clear:



I have been waiting YEARS for this! I cannot fully express my love for these boys. Just know it began when I was but a 13 year old girl who learned new feelings when these boys came into my life. I still have all my NKOTB stuff, I still have all the words memorized, I still listen to the Merry, Merry Christmas album every holiday season.

I LOVE them with a passion that has only intensified as I've become a woman, a mother... a 32 year old woman that can now become what she couldn't be before...

A groupie who Puts Out!!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I'd like to thank...

ChaCha for the wicked awesome new graphic for my little bloglette. If you are ever in need of something fancy and cool that you LOVE, she's the girl to beg and make cute faces at.


Could that be any hotter??

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Looking forward...

With all the craziness of the holidays now behind me and this big 'ol year to fill, I need to take baby steps and find little things to look forward to to keep me up. So here are the next 10 things I have to look forward to:

1.) Going out this weekend with ChaCha for Official Booty-Shaking Night
2.) My Jeff being on Regis and Kelly on Friday
3.) Being off on Monday with my kids
4.) Hard Hat Tours and Party at work
5.) Going Cotillion dress shopping with Megan
6.) Renovation milestones (I get the granite counter tops in my rooms next week!)
7.) Planning Conner's Birthday Party
8.) Getting Megan ready for Cotillion and taking no less than 900 pictures
9.) Taking Megan for her Duke University SAT (she's a damn genius- don't ask)
10.) A Haircut

That gets me through the end of the month.. If I just concentrate on Awesome Cincy Trip in June, I will never make it. I can't count down days until The Boys are Back In Town (and by that, I think we ALL know what day the Boys are supposed to report for Spah-ring Tah-raining!!!!) Because we all know that's what the year is all about!

Coming up I will have a SuperBowl date with my Tom Brady to look forward to as well...

There has been testing going on down in Daytona... but we still have a month left for the Big Show.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Totally CrepeTacular, Not CrapTacular!

So the actual trailer was a little questionsable at first. I didn't go to pick up lunch, but I had my crack team of investigators sending me photos. I'm told it was actually really cute with the picnic tables and such.
I got the Roasted Chicken with Mushrooms, Caramelized Onions and Gruyere. And I am here to tell you... It was awesome. Totally worth $6.50. The side salad that I got with it was eh.. A little bit of lettuce and 3 slices of tomato- but the Balsamic Vinaigrette? To Die For. One of my cohorts had the Cuban Crepe that actually beat Mr. Flay and she said it was wonderful. I wouldn't know- we were all savoring our lunches and totally forgot to share. She said it was very spicy with the Tabasco, but I happen to LOVE the spicy, so I'm sure the Cuban and I have a date in a week or so.
We tried the Brownie Crepe which, in my opinion, was nothing exciting. It was a good brownie and all, but the crepe proved to be a wet wrapper for it. Not recommended for brownie or Crepe lovers. We also tried the Cinnamon Sugar Crepe. Very tasty. It was filled with cream cheese and toasted coconut and topped with almonds. I do have to say though, because they don't fill it, there was a lot of superfluous crepe...
As far as little Austin dives, it gets an A+. To quote a coworker, "I'm so glad these weren't craptacular after all that!"

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

CrepeTastic Wednesday!

So I come in to work Monday morning and one of my coworkers is frantically searching the internet for something... I asked if I could help and she tells me that we MUST find the crepe place that beat Bobby Flay in an episode of Throwdown here in Austin. All we know is they don't have a restaurant and they make and sell these savory and sweet concoctions from a silver trailer somewhere.

Now she has my attention. You say "Bobby Flay" and you always have my undivided attention. So she searches Food Network, finds the Throwdown website and starts searching episodes. I am googling "crepe...throwdown...austin". My office is a grueling research facility. We must find where these crepes are!

Victory! The name of the place is Flip Happy Crepes. They are THREE miles away! We promptly printed out their menu and salivate over the Cuban Crepes with pulled pork, the Roasted Chicken with Mushroom with Gruyere and caramelized onions, the Spinach, Feta and Roasted garlic Crepe. And that's not even Dessert Crepes! They have a Brownie Crepe with dark chocolate sauce and Chantilly cream, a Cinnamon Sugar Crepe with toasted coconut and cream cheese and Fruit Crepes!!!

People are poking their heads into the office and asking us what's going on, so we have to tell each of them the story... "Bobby Flay...Throwdown...Austin...Crepes...LUNCH!" So the whole office is excited.

And then we see....

They are only open Wed.-Fri. So our Crepetastic Lunch will have to wait TWO WHOLE DAYS!

So all day yesterday and today we all all crepe obsessed. We cannot wait. We have spent time looking over the menu and deciding who will get what and give a bite to who. We have built these crepes up and put them on a pedestal. For gawd's sake- they beat BOBBY FLAY!!! You don't just beat Bobby Flay with some regular, everyday crepe!

So the countdown is on! 24 hours until CrepeTastic Wednesday! I'll let you know how they are!

Monday, January 14, 2008


Here’s how it works: Link to the person that tagged you:

Christel, and she'd have to link herself because I'm a technical r-tard.

Post the rules for the meme on your blog. And here they are:Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog, tag 7 (or so) random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Since I have done this one once or twice, I tried to think of a few things you all don't already know... And it proved a good excuse to blog as I suffer from a blockage of material viewable by the public lately...

1.) I memorize what all 4 of my kids are wearing in the morning before they leave for school or daycare so that if anything ever happens and the police need to know, I will be able to describe in detail what I last saw them in. Morbid, perhaps... But I saw the movie Adam at a young age and it scared the shit out of me.

2.) I have an unhealthy attachment to Rod Stewart. My father listened to him a lot when I was a small kid and looks a little like him as well, so I decided they must be brothers. At 5, he became my Uncle Rod. When I went several years with no contact with my dad, he became my connection to my dad. I still cry when I hear Forever Young. Can't help it. Yes, I am gay. Suck it.

3.) I cannot eat Ramen Noodles. If I were starving to death and on my deathbed, I would still not eat Ramen Noodles. To me, it is like eating turds. Had them every damn day for almost a year when my family was buh-roke ass. Lived in a trailer with no electricity cooking Ramen-effing-Noodles over a can of sterno. Now the smell of them makes me want to vomit.

4.) I like my wrists and ankles. (Okay, other than the weak, bust my ass every five minutes part of my ankles) They are the only cute, tiny body parts I have (that you can see publicly-HA!)

5.) I am addicted to very few things in life, but there are a few that given one hit of, I am possessed till there's no more. These include anything that starts with D and ends in "oritoes", Sam's Choice Cajun Snack Mix (that whole 26 serving per bag thing is a bunch of crap- thats only if you are serving anorexic elves!) and chips and salsa. (Duly noted that yes, I may have a sodium issue)

6.) I watch reeeally bad TV shows while I'm on the treadmill. I figure if I'm going to watch trash, I better pay penance by running my ass off during it. Make Me a SuperModel, Intervention, Housewives of Orange County, The Girls Next Door- I am watching all this drivel and loving every painful mile of it lately!

7.) Old people scare me and I avoid them. Not like regular old people, but like OLD, OLD people. The kind you can't understand and cry and don't know who anyone is? That kind. I know. Straight to hell.

And because the name of the game is "Tagged", if you read this, consider yourself IT, Bitches!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year

But there will not be much in the way of resolutions for this girl. This new year is so questionable that it scares me. But I'm excited too. Who knew on January 2nd of last year what 2007 would bring me? An amazing Spring Training visit to Ft. Myers that I will never forget, a crazy fun, pool-playing, drinking-Jager-till-I-passed-out-but-not-before-having-sex-in-the-front-seat-of-my-car birthday party, a visit from my sisters that went horribly wrong, my babies getting bigger and more beautiful, adventures with my friends, my career actually going somewhere, A WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONSHIP for my Sox??? Who knew?!

So I am excited to see what kind of trouble this year can bring me. A vacation to CINCY to see my boys, perhaps a move, perhaps not. Maybe a divorce? Maybe hope of staying together in something not resembling misery??? The possibilities are endless. Bring 2008 on!