Sunday, October 14, 2007

Pitcher for Sale!

Granted he sucks- and he seems to have the anti-Midas touch because everything he touches turns to crap, but there has got to be some use for him somewhere other than Boston... Hey D'Backs, do you need a ballboy? Anyone want to use him for target practice? Maybe he could be a satisfactory waterboy somewhere...

I couldn't even post a picture of him in the Sox uniform because I'm too ashamed. Can you imagine how hard the Mets or the Yankees are laughing knowing they were smart enough to pass on this joke?

Honestly, for the life of me, I can't figure out why in the hell anyone let him near the mound until after we had already won it all, when during the regular season he showed us that no matter how big a lead, how dominant we'd been, if we turned it over to him, he'd find a way to fuck us.

So we have our big cushy lead Friday night and Terry lets him come out so he can feel good about himself...and he loads the bases. And with one swing of the bat, our night could've turned to crap. He didn't let it get quite that far, but anybody who had watched this disaster happen the past few months was waiting for it. Last night when we were tied, then behind by two, I yelped with physical agony when I saw him headed out. THIS? This is who we're going to count on to help dig us out of a hole? The man is seems to be a professional gravedigger? As soon as I saw him, I said. "Well, we're done now."

And we were. He's brought nothing to the table and I want to know what in the hell that 2.1 million bought us. Don't quote me stats on what he did here or there.... Put up or shut up, Eric. You can't claim to be a badass and pitch like a PowerPuff Girl.

But prove it next year (if we can't find a way to unload your ass). For the rest of October, grab some pine and watch how the big boys play ball. Take notes.

1 comment:

christelpistol said...

i LOVE angry Baseball Girl!!!!!

she frightens and excites me at the same time.