Thursday, October 4, 2007

Commander Kick Ass

I like nicknames. Sometimes it's how I remember certain people when encountered with large groups. On vacation, I have named people Deliverance (he was from Alabama), Shades (dude who wore sunglasses that wrapped around your head), Boston, Boston's brother, Hot Guy, Ugly chick, Pu-ssy Girl (chick who used that word continuously), on and on...

I call my kids turkeys, my baby ducks, my rotten brats, my tribe... I know people named ChaCha, Moe, Gravy, Mimi, Duh-dud-uh, Handsome, Sweets and Big Victoria.

But my all time favorite nickname right now is what the boys over at call my Josh Beckett: Commander Kick Ass of the Fuck Yeah Brigade.

And if you want to know why, you clearly didn't see him pitch last night. Not only did he win 20 games during the regular season, he saved a perfectly executed shut out for the post season. It was friggin' beautiful.

I think it's illegal in some states to be that damn awesome.

Here's hoping my ol pal Matsuzaka, aka Dice K, can just do the same tomorrow night.


christelpistol said...

ima need a shirt for myownself that says Commander KickAss!

*clap clap*

christelpistol said...

p.s. i LOVE the BecKKKKKetty Goodness!