Friday, July 13, 2007

Bad Mommy!

So I was dropping the oldest girl off for a slumber party and the mommy of the friend comes out to chat. She tells me she and her husband are going out for a few hours, something they do every Thursday. "It's a spiritual group."

I immediately am sent into a panic- as any kind of conversation teetering on religious beliefs makes me do. So I am off kilter when she says,

"Do YOU belong to a Spiritual Group?"

My immediate, no thought process involved reply?

"Sure do- but it's a different kind of spiritual. It's the one that comes from a bottle!"

She did a double take and my 12 year old yelped in embarrassment, "Mommy!"

Yep. I'm tellin' you... Mommy of the Year for that one.


Fitzy said...

To answer your question, ladyblue, YES! Please start the letter-writing campaign to petition MLB to get me on TV. I'll forever be in your debt, milady.

Now GFY,

christelpistol said...

SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fitzy! on your blog!

and nicely done with the bottle comment.